We work with pre-cut lengths [Quakezone] as that concept works well for an organization like ours, whose factory builds and tries to improve efficiency… in the manufacturing process. The idea to tie together mid sub-floor is not new to us… but we we’ve been using an alternative method cutting 4’x10’ and 4’x9’ panels down to specific lengths so we can tie these buildings [floors] together. This generates waste in the plant and it takes time to cut all those panels. With pre-cut [Quakezone] lengths, we are now reducing cutting, reducing the safety risk that goes with all that cutting, generating a cleaner panel and getting better throughput on our floor with the same amount of labor. That’s the key right now to building—leveraging your labor. We are getting a cleaner better structure, a better looking building. Builders are happier with it, we’re happy with it.